Encrypt message

This is a small tool which allows you to encrypt simple text-messages. It uses gpg and the encrypted message can be viewed because it’s plain text (Base64) - Be careful, the message will be temporary saved on my webserver and there it will be piped through gpg. if you don’t trust my webserver at www.wittnet.org then please don’t use this service! With the post “Decrypt message” you can decrypt the original-text from the encrypted one.

Message (which will be encrypted)

Encrypted text of the message from above

Password: again:

This is the command-line of the gpg-command:

cat /tmp/plain_message | gpg -c --armor --batch --cipher-algo AES256 --compress-algo none --passphrase \"$pwd\" -o /tmp/encrypted_message

The /tmp-Directory is private! Limited to the specific apache-thread which is doing the encryption!

Created by Andreas Wittmann

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