Usenet – still alive

In times of Facebook, Google and YouTube, why should it still be necessary torely on outdated technology like Usenet/NNTP? Portals like phpBB also invite youto exchange ideas with other users. So why should you use Usenet these days? From my point of view the question is very simple: It is a tried and testedstandard, similar … Read more

Test the IO performance of hard-disks/disks using Linux

Measurements by means of dd Measure writing performance. This test can also be used with CIFS and NFS andis relatively objective: The parameter fdatasync only ends the =dd= command when the data has beencompletely synced. Instead, you could also use oflag=dsync which also takescaches into account and waits until they have been written. To test … Read more

Generate spectrograms with arecord, sox and ffmpeg/avconv

Create a spectrogram (Image) The following command creates a WAV file using Alsa (Device 2.0). In thiscase, Sox is additionally piped, which is completely unnecessary here,however, Sox could still add various filters to the resulting test.wavchange: Using the file test.wav that has just been created, a spectrogram is now generated: The following command creates a … Read more